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I'm The Happy Activist! I like to cook plant-based food not just for myself but for my whole family and friends! I think that being vegetarian or vegan is important so that we can reduce animal slaughter, and this won't happen when just one person does it, we all have to do it together.

Becoming a vegan not only helps you. but also helps the animals. Over 150 billion animals get slaughtered for there meat every year, 😥when there are only 8 billion people on the planet, and don't get me started on the wet market. Its really crazy. Even if another 1% of people in the world went vegan it would save more than a billion animals. Not only do animals get killed for meat, they get killed for fur, skin, testing, and for hunting as a sport! If one person, one person like you, became vegetarian or vegan you would save more than 200 animals in just a year!

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